Hexacopter Gyroscope / Compass binding procedure
This procedure re-calibrates the gyroscopes and compass which are used control stability, level the machine for hovering,
turning and also the tilt levels of the Hexacopter used when moving sideways, forwards or backwards.
The FARMEYES is calibrated and tested prior to shipping however as the compass senses the geomagnetic field of the
surrounding area.
WARNING: Keep the compass away from magnets or any strong magnetic fields as this may
permanently damage the compass and require replacement.
Why calibrate the Hexacopter?
. As the Earth’s magnetic field differs between regions it may in some cases require re-calibration when using the
FARMEYES with accessory equipment that is using compass bearings for navigation.
. Performance or instability of turning and manoeuvrability may indicate that calibration is needed.
. Crash or rough ground impact. In these events a recalibration is always recommended before the next flight also
provided that any required repairs have been finalised.
. When the configuration of the FARMEYES has been changed such as flying without the camera and gimbal or when
adding other part.
. Sometimes the flight controller at start up may recognise a sensor error and refuse to allow the motors to be armed
until re-calibrated.
Outdoor Compass calibration procedure for Mode 2 set controllers (preform away from metallic objects)
First power on the Controller
then power connect the
Hexacopter 4S flight battery.
Quickly operate the controller as
shown with the left stick resting
in the down position (0% throttle)
and push the right stick down and
push to the right corner.
Wait until the indicator light
begins flashing green and
blue signifying the
Hexacopter is now in
calibration mode.
Release the right stick on
the controller and proceed.
This step involves rotating the Hexacopter a full 360° degrees in 2 different orientations in order for the gyroscopes
and compass to recognise a full range of motion to establish what is level.
Rotate the Hexacopter 3 times in each of the orientations shown.
Total time in calibration should be greater than 1 minute but less than 5 minutes.
When complete disconnect the 4S flight battery, wait 5 seconds then reconnect the battery for everything to take effect.
Note: If not stable after repeat process.
Front down
Bottom down
Roll front over
Roll over sideways
Supplementary information