GPS Loiter / Assist (and Altitude Hold):
When enabled the FARMEYES use the GPS sensor and internal barometer to
establish its altitude and its coordinate map location. When flying and the control sticks release the flight controller will
take control and make adjustments to maintain altitude and position. Flight in GPS loiter mode is typically safer and a
great way to learn and get accustomed to the dynamics of flying and could even be likened to training wheels compared
to manual flight.
When GPS Loiter /Assist is enabled it is best to position the throttle to 50% as the system will also enable altitude
hold. This will allow the current altitude to remain stable.
Even though altitude hold is enabled you can adjust the height by adjusting the throttle but the throttle should be
returned to the 50% midpoint once the height is adjusted.
When flying with 0% Throttle the FARMEYES will descend at a controlled rate but will maintain power to
the motors until landing, however if the
GPS Loiter
mode is disabled (back to
) in mid-flight the rotor speed will
adjust according and has potential to stall allowing the Hexacopter to free fall unless you apply sufficient throttle.
Operator miss-operation may cause severe damage or injury to people or property and is the responsibility of
the operator.
GPS Loiter reduces the maximum flight speed to help maintain ability to adjust the flight to compensate
against crosswinds. Throttle rate of adjustment is reduced which allows for much safer altitude ascend and descend.
GPS Return to Land:
When the FARMEYES is first powered on the GPS sensor activates and records too memory the
coordinate and relative altitude. Once the Return to land feature is activated the FAREYES ensures its altitude is 20m or
greater than original starting altitude then it will fly directly overhead of the starting position, descend until landing
detected allowing the rotors to switch off and the motors to disarm.
After landing and motors have disarmed you can switch the SW2 switch back to 0 (manual).
The FARMEYES Flight controller will assess itself to have landed under the following conditions
1. The altitude detected stops descending at a rotor speed insufficient to maintain hover
2. The body of the FARMEYES is relatively level
3. Landing Location is based on the original GPS coordinate recorded before take-off. Factors effecting the accuracy
of the landing coordinate include the presence of nearby buildings may limit visibility of some satellites at ground
level meaning the landing site may extend as far a 7 meters from original. GPS sensor cold start vs warm start,
allowing the GPS sensor more time to warm up will allow the accuracy of the starting position to be resolved to a
finer locations.
Auto-land Warnings
: The intelligent Auto-land is essentially a blind landing as the Flight Controller does not receive
data on the surrounding environment. Uneven ground obstacle or wind gusts will all pose challenges to the landing
process. If landing is, as the FARMEYES lands its is wise to ensure throttle is 0% and you should wait until the LED
indicator blinking indicates that the motors have disarmed.
Accuracy of the landing position may result in the FARMEYES trying to land close to a tree building or obstacle. The
operator needs to still have the controller accessible for intervention or adjustment if required to prevent accident.
If the FARMEYES is to have tipped over while landing due to uneven footing the Flight Controller will sense the
instability and attempt to restabilise by applying thrust to relevel the FARMEYES, If safe to do so IMMEDIATLY switch
throttle to 0% and disable
(SW2 switch=0 Manual) in order to limit the chance for damage to the rotors and
the motors as the motors risk burning out if left stuck while attempting to spin.
Start up and Flying: Basic Controller Operation