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.P. SELECTA s.a.u.
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6 Sample analyses
To get good analysis’ results and a good performance of the distiller it is suggested
to follow a working
Before starting to analyse valuable samples do some training sessions running the
operations related on the chapter 8, until the operator be familiar with the unit.
6.1 Check levels of tanks
Before starting a batch analysis, check the following levels:
Steam generator water tank level
Refill it with demineralised water.
Assure its conductivity adding around 0.1g per litre of sodium carbonate or NaCl.
The water reservoir is 6 litres capacity, enough for analysing more than 20 sam
Level of NaOH tank
Refill with NaOH 40% from the 2 litres flask. It is placed inside the unit.
Get the NaOH flask from the door placed on the left hand side cover.
The NaOH solution must be free of ammonia salts, to avoid its interference on the
result. In order to avoid NaOH pump obstruction, take care that NaOH becomes
completely solved on water, no particles must be on the solution.
Level of Ammonia fixative solution tank
Refill with Fixative solution (Boric acid 1% + indicator mixed 5) 2 litres flask. It is
placed inside the unit.
Remember that a volume of 60 ml will be used on each distillation.
Note: See chapter 7 for fixative solution preparation.
Priming the dispensers
The tubing for NaOH and fixative solution reagent must be properly primed, air
free, to provide a good dispensing.
Carry on the refill operations to avoid air entry on the tubing. See 5.1.2 and 8.1 to
know how to carry on the prime operations.
6.2 Unit warm-up and cleaning.
In order to get the best results with your Kjeldahl distiller, you have to run a warm-
up step before starting samples analysis. This procedure is also used for cleaning
the distillation circuit after analysis batch.
For it just insert a sample tube with 25ml of clean water. Use MANUAL mode to
distillate for 5 minutes.
Checking water
Check the reagents tanks levels befo-
re starting a batch analysis.
6.3 Distillation. (Sample analysis)
Please follow these steps: (On the same order as indicated)
• Open the safety door.
• Place an Erlenmeyer flask on the cooler output to collect the distilled.
Check, visually that the distilled output tube remains immersed under
the level of Boric acid.