6-2. Mid. Tone Function
This is used to place a measured value at the center of the Analog EV Scale.
The Mid Tone function has four operations:
Sets current measured value as Mid Tone
Sets memorized value as Mid Ton
Modifies Mid Tone value
Recalls Mid Tone Measuring Screen
6-2-1. Setting Measuring Value as Mid. Tone
1. Press the Measuring button
to take reading
and display the resulting value.
2. Touch the Tool Box icon
at the bottom of the
Measuring screen to display the Tool Box screen.
3. Touch the
[Mid. Tone Set]
to display Mid. Tone
Set screen.
4. Touch the
[Set from Current Measurement]
set the current measured value as the Mid. Tone
and return the meter to the Measuring screen.
Touching the [CLOSE] button on any screen cancels the operation
and returns the meter to the Measuring screen.
6-2-2. Setting Memorized Value as Mid. Tone
Touch the Tool Box icon
at the bottom of
the Measuring screen to display the Tool Box
2. Touch the
[Mid. Tone Set]
to display Mid.
Tone Set screen.
3. Touch the
[Set from Memory]
to display Mid.
Tone Set from Memory screen and display all
memorized values.
will appear next to incident light
will appear next to reflected light
measurements. The analog scale will also appear
with measurement indicators displayed.
Touch the memorized value you want to set
as a Mid Tone. The display will return to the
Measuring screen and the analog scale will show
all memorized values with your selection as the
Mid Tone. Touch the
to return to the
Measuring screen without setting the Mid. Tone.
Mid. Tone Set Screen
Mid. Tone Set Screen
Mid. Tone Set
(Memory) Screen