Trekker PT
Page 36
11.3 Screw Mounting and Removal Technique
The screws holding the battery of the Trekker PT in place, are high strength anti-loose screws. Please
follow the rules for the installation to avoid damaging the screws. When using the six angle wrench, it
must be pushed to the bottom of the screws.
1. Mount the screws in a staggered order
2. Do not fully tighten the screws at the beginning
3. Mount all the scres on, and then tighten
11.4 Check Screws
All the screws of the Trekker PT are treated with anti-loosening function. For safety reasons, please
regularly check the wheel hub, leansteer bar, battery, fenders, tread plate shell and control panel shell.
11.5 Check the Tyre Pressure
The Trekker PT normal tyre pressure should be kept at around 0.8-1.5Kg/cm² (80-15-Kpa), to max
2.5Kg/cm² (250Kpa). Higher tyre pressure will decrease friction resistance and increase the whole cruise
but make the ride less comfortable. Whereas lower typre pressure will make the ride experience more
comfortable. Too high or too low pressure will expedite the abrasion to the rubber tyres
11.6 Changing the Tyres
Abraised tyres influence the safe riding of the Trekker Pt. We suggest replacing the tyres when tread is les s
than 1mm in depth. The tyres will need to be replaced at your main dealer, or a tyre store.