– 7871 - 7872 - 7875 - 7876 –
The graphical zone represents the display of the current coordinates from the original position.
Press this
‘target’ zone to change scale and reset the display.
24.3.2 Export and cartography
Après création du fichier*.GPS sur votre appareil, vous pouvez l’exporter sur une clé USB :
- au format CSV pour affichage dans un tableur
- au format KML compatible avec la plupart des logiciels de cartographie (compatible Google Earth et
Google Maps par exemple)
After creating *.GPS file inside your appliance, you can export it to an USB memory stick :
- with CSV format for using a spreadsheet software
- with KML language. This language is used by several cartography software (Google Earth and Google
Maps for example).
To export your file to Google Earth :
- Configuration -> Memories
- insert an USB memory stick
- choose your *.GPS file
press “Save (KML->USB”)
Data recorded in the file are :
- file name, date and time
- the setup or all setups measures (frequency, standard, thresholds)
And for each recorded point :
- date
- time
- latitude
- longitude
- number of satellites used
- RF measurement Level/BER/MER for each setup