Rostock Max Assembly Guide
16.34 - Adjust the bottom eccentric spacers "DOWN" (Facing the Cheapskate, rotate the
eccentric in a clockwise fashion) until the bearing has a good grip on the T-Slot extrusion.
16.35 - You don't want the bearings gripping the rail too tightly - the Acetal bearing covers will
develop a flat spot overnight if you do. You want to adjust the side eccentrics to remove a lot of the
side-to-side "Wiggle". When you've got it where you want it, you can adjust the Axle Support assembly
to remove any remaining backlash and tighten down the screw holding the eccentric side in place.
Please make sure when adjusting the Axle Support screws that you tighten each one evenly so that the
bearing remains square to the rail.
16.36 -When you've got it adjusted, make sure you run the bearing up and down the rail a few
times, putting roughly 15-20lbs of pressure against it to wear in the Acetal a bit - you'll need to tweak
your adjustments after this process. (The video explains it pretty well about at the 1:38 mark)
Repeat this procedure for the other two Cheapskate bearings.
16.37 - Install the delta arms! Just like you did when mounting the arms on the platform U-
Joints, give the arms a little twist and they should snap right on. Make sure the U-Joints on the
Cheapskates still move freely before you install the arms. Fair warning, installing the arms is a bit like
wrestling an octopus. :)