Article numbers / spare parts
124 / 128
Mounting and installation, Technical Description, T 811 086 en e
Simple troubleshooting
Planning, mounting, commissioning and maintaining fire detection systems require special knowledge and may
be carried out only by trained specialists. The product-specific training of specialists must be performed by Se-
curiton or by persons expressly authorised by Securiton.
Faults are indicated on the indication and control map of the SecuriFire both optically (collective malfunction indication) and
audibly (warning sound). In addition, the type and number of faults are displayed in the fault list in the display.
You can select the fault list via the MIC and browse in the display of the control map.
If you want to view additional information about a particular fault, you must select the concerned message with the
Pressing the
Additional info
button shows the desired information in the display. With the
Additional info
button you can
select either SITE INFO or INFO in plain text.
Contaminated detector
This is displayed by the
Call service
pictogram and in a contamination list on the indication and control map of the Securi-
Fire. The following procedure is recommended for contaminated detectors:
Press the
button, select the WARNINGS entry, press the
The contaminated detector list is displayed and can be browsed with the
; it can be printed by pressing
PRINT REPEAT on the internal protocol printer.
Contaminated detectors must be replaced.
In user level 3 (password entry required) the detector contaminations can be reset.
Possible causes of faults
(board fault)
Wrong configuration, defective board, etc. (detailed information can be viewed with the ser-
vice monitor).
Detectors / detection zones
Short-circuit, wire breakage, lacking end base (monologue technology), programming (DZ)
do not match jumper setting (input) etc.
Short-circuit, wire breakage, programming (input) do not match jumper setting (DZ) etc.
Short-circuit, wire breakage, wrong load size or load range set etc.
MMI-BUS devices
Interchanged data lines, incorrectly set participant addresses, fuses on the B5-PSU power
supply unit are defective etc. Remark: error code specifies B5-BAF slot and participant
number on the MMI-BUS.
Addressable loop
Logical fault (INIT FAULT, SYSTEM FAULT, ADDRESS FAULT), physical fault (wire break-
age, short-circuit, earthing).
Article numbers / spare parts
Article numbers for detectors, special detectors, peripheral devices, accessories etc. are found in the current product cata-
logue for SecuriFire 1000/2000.