Product Manual - Disc Drive SCSI-2/SCSI-3 Interface (Vol. 2; Ver. 2), Rev. E 109
Table 5.1.3-2. Definition Parameter Field
Meaning of Definition Parameter
Use Current Operating Definition
SCSI X3.131-1986 Operating Definition
CCS Operating Definition
SCSI-2 X3.131-198X Operating Definition
Vendor Specific
*The drive treats an 02 option as if it had been 01.
The current operating definition parameter values establish operating definitions compatible with the appro-
priate SCSI specification.
[4] The parameter data length field specifies the length in bytes of the parameter data that shall be trans-
ferred from the initiator to the target. A parameter data length of zero indicates that no data shall be
transferred. This condition shall not be considered as an error. Parameter data lengths greater than zero
indicate the number of bytes of parameter data that shall be transferred.
The parameter data is not used by the disc drive.
[5] Control is not used by the drive.
The operating definition is modified after successful completion of the command. The disc drive shall con-
sider the command successfully completed when it detects the assertion of the ACK signal for the Command
Complete message. The initiator should verify the new operating definition by issuing an Inquiry command
requesting the implemented operating definition page (see Table 5.1.1-10d).
It is permissible for a SCSI-2 device that has its definition changed to a SCSI-1 device to accept a Change
Definition command.
If the Change Definition command is not executed successfully for any reason, the operating definition shall
remain the same as it was before the Change Definition command was attempted.
After a power-on condition or a hard Reset condition, the drive shall set its initial operating definition to the
last saved value, if saving is implemented, or its default value, if saving is not implemented. Default is SCSI
2 mode.