Product Manual - Disc Drive SCSI-2/SCSI-3 Interface (Vol. 2; Ver. 2), Rev. E 101
[1] A PF bit of one specifies that the data returned by the subsequent Receive Diagnostics Results com-
mand shall use the diagnostic page format described in the ANSI SCSI-2 specification. See Tables 5.1.1-
16 and 5.1.1-17 which show formats of the two pages supported by disc drive.
[2] A Self Test bit of one directs the disc drive to complete its default self test. If the self test is requested, the
Parameter List Length shall be set to zero and no data shall be transferred. If the self test successfully
passes, the command shall be terminated with a good condition status; otherwise, the command shall be
terminated with a check condition status and, if extended sense is implemented, the Sense Key shall be
set to Hardware Error.
The disc drive performs only its default self test. This includes seeking to a reserved nonuser-accessible
cylinder and writing, reading and verifying data for each data surface.
A Self test bit of zero instructs the disc drive to perform the operation called out in the parameter list in the
data out following the Send Diagnostics Command Data Block. For the disc drive the pages that may be
listed in the parameter list are given in note [5].
[3] The SCSI Device Off Line (DEVOFL) bit of 1 enables diagnostic operations that may adversely affect
operations to other Logic Units on the same target. This bit is not interpreted by the disc drive.
[4] A logical Unit Off Line (Unit OFL) bit of zero disables write operations on user medium or operations that
affect user visible medium positioning. The bit is not interpreted by the disc drive.
[5] Parameter List Length specifies the length in bytes of the parameter list that shall be transferred during
the Data Out phase.
The Parameter list length will be either 00, 04 or 0Eh (14 Decimal). Zero means no additional parameter
pages to be sent with this command (this is not to be considered an error), 04 is the length value sent
when the initiator sends Page 00h (see Table 5.1.1-16), and OEh is the value sent when Page 40h is sent
(see Table 5.1.1-17). No other pages are supported by the disc drive. If the initiator transfers more bytes
than the disc drive supports, the disc drive rejects the command.
Supported Diagnostics Page - Send Diagnostics
This page (Table 5.1.1-16) instructs the disc drive to make available the list of all supported diagnostic pages
to be returned by a subsequent Receive Diagnostics Results Command. The definition of this page for the
Send Diagnostics command includes only the first four bytes (Receive Diagnostics version given in Table
5.1.1-13). If the page length field is NOT zero, the disc drive shall terminate the Send Diagnostics command
with a Check Condition status. The Sense Key shall be set to Illegal Request with an additional sense code
of Invalid Field Parameter List.
Table 5.1.1-16. Supported Diagnostic Pages Page
Page Code (00h)
Page Length (Must Be Zero)