A customizable Prelamp copy time in μs (micro seconds) was added in the set-up
menu SET in order to work with different available camera systems.
Prelamp Time
15 … 250μs
(default 120μs)
The default value of 120 μs should work on most systems. For small compact cameras,
where the prelamp can be a very short pulse, it could be necessary to adjust the value.
The amount of light emitted by the different systems can vary on a scale from 1
to 100.000. Incorporating such a wide optical input range was not doable. For
this reason, the light transmitted to the strobe’s optical port can be too strong and
will saturate the input stage. When this happens, the strobe still works fine in
manual mode, but the ability to follow input light signals is lost –
the TTL becomes
To solve this issue, the light from the popup flash to the optical port needs to be
reduced; usually by putting a simple filter in between – for example a piece of semi-
transparent paper or tape placed inside the housing’s optical port to reduce the light
Shooting Mode – Optical Cable & Front Slave Sensor