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Employee Owned
- 926 JR Industrial Drive, Sanford, NC 27332
East: (919) 718-0000 | West: (909) 627-9634 • Website:
4. Press and hold the Verification Tester's WRIST
STRAP test switch. The monitor's operator LED will
illuminate green, and its audible alarm will stop. This
verifies the operator circuit's impedance limit.
Figure 3. Connecting the Verification Tester to the Iron
Man® Plus Workstation Monitor's operator jack
Figure 4. Pressing the WRIST STRAP test switch
5. Continue to press and hold the Verification Tester's
WRIST STRAP test switch. Simultaneously, press
and hold the Verification Tester's LOW BODY
VOLTAGE test switch. The monitor's operator LED
will remain green, and no audible alarm will sound.
This verifies the operator circuit's low body voltage
Figure 5. Pressing the WRIST STRAP and LOW BODY
VOLTAGE test switches simultaneously
6. Continue to press and hold the Verification Tester's
WRIST STRAP test switch. Simultaneously, press
and hold the Verification Tester's HIGH BODY
VOLTAGE test switch. The monitor's green operator
LED will illuminate continuously, its red LED will
blink, and an audible alarm will sound. This verifies
the operator circuit's high body voltage limit.
Figure 6. Pressing the WRIST STRAP and HIGH BODY
VOLTAGE test switches simultaneously
7. Disconnect the mono cable from the monitor.
8. Connect the red test lead to red banana jack located
at the top of the Verification Tester.
9. Disconnect the monitor's white mat monitor cord
from its worksurface mat and turn it over to expose
its 10 mm snap.
10. Clip the red test lead's mini grabber to the 10 mm
snap on the white mat monitor cord.
Figure 7. Connecting the Verification Tester to the Iron
Man® Plus Workstation Monitor's mat monitor cord
Mat Monitor Cord
11. Wait approximately 5 seconds for the monitor's mat
LED to illuminate red and sound its audible alarm.