Your machine may not match the provided images exactly.
14. Lift and pivot the Front Roller out of the Frame, and slide it out of the
Walking Belt. This will free the Drive Belt from the Front Roller.
15. Using a #2 Phillips screwdriver, disconnect the Motor Ground Screw
from the Frame.
16. Remove the connectors for the Motor from the Motor Control Board
after noting their locations.
Be sure to note where all cables attach for re-assembly.
17. Using a 6mm hex wrench, remove the indicated screws (by ovals)
from the Motor Mount. Remove the Drive Belt from the Motor.
18. Cut the Zip-Tie that secures the Motor Cables.
19. Lightly attach the new Motor to the Frame. Be sure to only finger
tighten the hardware.
Motor Ground Screw
Motor Cables
Drive Belt
Drive Pulley