Single Wheel Ground Handling Wheels (Configured For Stowage in
Mounts on Skid Tubes).
These wheel assemblies are configured with mount brackets permanently
attached to the skid tubes and provisions for stowage of the operating han-
dle inside the transmission compartment on the left side of the helicopter.
The handle is secured in the stowage mount with a quick release pin. The
single wheel assembly can remain attached to the skid tube mounts during
flight or can be removed before flight. For ground handling, release the
lynch pin retainer clip and remove the lynch pin from mount; rotate wheel
aft to the ground. Remove the operating handle from the stowage mount
and insert handle into hole in axle assembly. Rotate handle aft until lynch
pin holes are aligned and insert lynch pin; secure pin with retainer clip. Be-
fore Flight, in reverse order of lowering the wheels, rotate wheel assem-
blies to the up position and secure in place with lynch pins. Do Not
Operate the helicopter with the ground handling wheels rotated down into
the ground handling position. Stow handle in mount and secure with quick
release pin.
Remove the ground handling wheel assemblies from the helicopter by re-
moving lynch pins from mounts and safety pins from inboard end of rotat-
ing axle. When removing the axle assemblies from the mounts, note
number and location of washers that are placed on the axle. Install the axle
assembly in the mount in reverse order of removal. During installation, two
or more spacing washers are placed on the axle between the wheel and the
mount and one washer is placed on the inboard end of the axle between the
mount and retaining pin.
Handling, Servicing & Maint.
Schweizer RSG, LLC.
Pilot's Flight Manual
Jan 2019
Book 3.indd 207
8/4/19 1:25 PM