In the optional collective actuated hourmeter installation, the
hourmeter is actuated by a switch that senses the position of the col-
lective control stick. The hourmeter will run and record time when-
ever the main rotor transmission oil pressure is above the minimum
valve and the collective control is off the (down) stop. Calculated
service lives are based on the percent occurrence of maneuvers pro-
vided in the FAA Approved flight spectrum. In this spectrum there
is a percentage of flight time allocated for full down collective ma-
neuvers (autorotations). In order to compensate for this unrecorded
flight time when the collective actuated hourmeter is utilized, the
time recorded on the hourmeter must be multiplied by 1.12 when
used to determine periodic inspection requirements, overhaul inter-
vals, and the service life of life-limited components (Model 269D
HMI, Appendix B).
The hourmeter(s) (standard and/or optional) should not be used as the sole
means for determining the number of flight hours used. Flight hours recorded
by the pilot should be used to confirm the accuracy of the hourmeter(s) read-
Two configurations of ground handling wheels are available for the
helicopter; standard special tool design and single wheel (stowed
above landing gear skid tubes).
Standard Special Tool Design.
These wheel assemblies are configured with long handles which have a
swiveling hook that secures the wheel in the down position and axle pins
which are inserted into bushings located in the skid tube. During installa-
tion, insert the axle pin in the skid tube bushings and rotate the handle down
towards the rear of the aircraft until the hook can be rotated into position
under the skid tube; raise the handle to engage the hook. The weight of the
aircraft will hold the handle and hook in position during ground handling
movements. Do not operate the helicopter with these ground handling
wheels installed. Before flight, remove ground handling wheels from the
helicopter in reverse order of installation.
Handling, Servicing & Maint.
Pilot's Flight Manual
Schweizer RSG, LLC.
Jan 2019
Book 3.indd 206
8/4/19 1:25 PM