Basic safety notes
02.00|WDB 99 |en
Basic safety notes
Intended use
VERO-S WDB 99 clamping systems are intended for clamping
workpieces and devices on machine tools and other suitable
technical devices.
The VERO-S WDA 99-79 compensation module has a hydraulic
expansion holder. The compensation module is for lifting, clamp-
ing and reliably holding workpieces, devices and clamping pallets
in stationary processing.
In the compensation module, both smooth, cylindrical shanks up
to Ø 32 mm as well as shanks with reliefs can be directly clamped
without intermediate sleeves.
• The clamping systems may only be used on the basis of their
• The clamping systems are intended for industrial applications.
• Appropriate use of the product includes compliance with all
instructions in this manual.
Not intended use
The VERO-S WDB 99 is not being used as intended if, for example:
• It is used as a pressing tool, a chuck, a load-handling device or
as lifting equipment.
• If tools or similar objects are picked up and clamped in the
VERO-S WDA 99-79 compensation module.
• It is used in working environments that are not permissible.
• The technical data specified by the manufacturer are exceeded
during usage.
Constructional changes
Implementation of structural changes
By conversions, changes, and reworking, e.g. additional threads,
holes, or safety devices can impair the functioning or safety of the
product or damage it.
• Structural changes should only be made with the written
approval of SCHUNK.