02.00|WDB 99 |en
via an integrated sealing element in the compensation module and
disabled. For orientation of the installation position, a cylindrical
pin grips into the interface to be inserted.
Clamping pins SPA 40, SPB 40, SPC 40, SPG 40
The VERO-S clamping pins SPA 40, SPB 40, SPC 40 and SPG 40 are
compatible with the WDN 99-70 direct clamping module with
pneumatic quick-changing pallet system and WDN-M 99-70 with
manual quick-changing clamping module.
These clamping pins are suitable for use on clamping structures
with precisely aligned height supports on the workpiece or the
clamping pallet.
If variable height distances on the workpiece or the clamping
pallet are to be compensated, the WDA 99-79 D32 compensation
module with hydraulic clamping unit or the WDA 99-70 D36 with
pneumatic clamping unit and the correspondingly designed clamp-
ing pins for compensation modules are used (see chapter "Work-
piece direct clamping pins for compensation modules"
Notes on clamping pins and mounting screws
The holding force of the quick-change pallet system is limited
essentially by the tightness of the screw connection which
connects the clamping pin to the pallet or the device.
• This is why only screws of strength class 12.9 may be used.
• Only original SCHUNK clamping pins may be used.
• If the clamping pins are to be used in customer-owned
devices, the customer must provide sufficiently dimensioned
threaded holes or a sufficiently thick mounting material.
The clamping pins can be attached in two different ways to the
workpiece or pallet; the mounting variants are numbered in order
of preference.
These clamping pins are preferably to be used with precisely
height-coordinated workpiece gradings. These do not allow any
height tolerances to be compensated to the workpiece. If height
tolerances to the workpiece are to be covered, a compensation
module with WDA-SPA 32 or WDA-SPC 36 height-adjustable