Acuity AP820 Laser Scanners
Rev. 3.3
Data Formats
Profile data
For every profile, 290 points will be sent. Every point in the profile will be defined
through an X- and a Z-value. The I-value refers to the intensity of a point and can be
used to define points as valid or invalid.
The scanner provides linearized profile data by default.
Switch to non-linearized profile data with the commands 0x16 0x80.
Calculate a linearized point from the X- and Z-value as follow:
X =
∗ X Scan Range EMB ∗ Data resolution
[mm], X-max = 4096
Z =
∗ Z Measurement Range EMB ∗ Data resolution
[mm], Z-max = 4096
The values X-max, Z-max, X Scan range EMB, Z Measurement range and Data resolution
can be received with the Info-Telegram. Data resolution is 0.1 for all scanners except the
AP820-1000 where it is 1.0.
Byte Number
Bit No.
Profile Reg.1
6 to 0
X-value Bit 6 to 0
Profile Reg.2
6 to 0
X-value Bit 13 to 7
Profile Reg.3
6 to 0
Z-value Bit 6 to 0
Profile Reg.4
6 to 0
Z-value Bit 13 to 7
Profile Reg.5
7 to 0
I-value Bit 7 to 0 value range = 0x01(dark) to