DM Double Module Chimney System
When the ease of construction and maximum insulation matter then the Double Module System
comes into its own. The system is designed to be quick and easy to install.
The lightweight blocks are easy to handle. The outer and inner blocks are laid at the same time but
with staggered joints for safety and stability. The double layer of pumice blocks separated by an air
gap maximises the chimney insulation.
The Pumice Systems are suitable for wood burning, solid fuel, oil and gas.
There are 3 systems covering a range of different internal diameters
to meet the requirements of different appliances and uses:
DM 36
150mm internal diameter for smaller output
inserts, stoves and solid fuel/oil cookers
DM 44
180mm and 200mm internal diameters for
inserts, stoves and open fires
DM 54
300mm and 345mm internal diameters for
Magnum firechests and larger appliances,
inserts and open fires
Unique features of the
Isokern DM Chimney System
Zero distance to combustibles on straight rendered
Quick and easy to assemble
Lightweight materials, easy to handle
Highly insulating pumice for better draw and
minimum heat loss
Staggered joints for maximum safety and stability
Air gaps between outer casing and flue prevents
surface staining
Good resistance to temperature variations gives
the maximum performance for your appliance
CE Designation
Double Module DM System Chimney*
T450 N1 D 3 G(00)
Pumice Chimney Liner
T450 N2 D 3 G
Isokern Pumice Double Module DM is CE Certified to EN1858 TÜV Cert no. 0036 CPR 90219 001
Isokern Pumice Chimney Liner is CE certified to EN1857 TÜV Cert no. 0036 CPR 90219 002
Isokern Magnum Firechest has been tested at the Fraunhofer Institut, Stuttgart, Cert no. P8-094/2006
* Zero distance to combustibles on straight chimney systems with ventilated terminal.
38mm distance to combustibles on offset systems. and non ventilated systems.