21. Describe settings via "Help" Tool. SATEL Configuration Manager
SATEL Configuration Manager shows help info when the cursor is clicked on the ?-mark. It is
also possible to make different languages on the help menu. The languages are made by
special configuration tool. The language can be selected by the user.
22. Show used COM-port of PC. SATEL Configuration Manager
Shows the COM-port status of the PC.
23. Update Firmware. SATEL Configuration Manager
The FW can be loaded from the PC to the Modem. The modem can be programmed with or
without Programming-PIN.
24. Set Protocol format. SATEL, PCC, Trim Talk. SATEL Configuration Manager
Sets modulation type 3AS /FSK, PCC and TrimTalk/GMSK.
Reads modulation type from the modem.
25. Read SW-version. SATEL Configuration Manager. DTE
Reads SW-version from the modem.
26. Read HW-version. SATEL Configuration Manager
Reads HW-version from the modem.
27. Power down. DTE. Not used in this version
Power ON/OFF can be driven by the DTR-pin. Power ON, when DTR=open or +Vb. Power
OFF, when DTR= ground.
28. Output Power configurable in Watt or dBm. SATEL Configuration Manager and DTE
Shows the output power ether in Watt or dBm.
29. Max. Output Power. SATEL Configuration Manager and DTE
Sets the output power.
This command sets the maximum output limit that can be set by the DTE-unit. This limit can not
be changed by the DTE-unit.
30. Configure handshaking parameters. SATEL Configuration Manager and DTE
Configures the handshaking parameters
31. Set programming mode. SATEL Configuration Manager
Sets unit to programming mode.
32. Read RSSI-threshold. SATEL Configuration Manager and DTE
Shows the RSSI-threshold level.
32.1 Reset modem.
Resets modem. This command switches OFF the modem, and does not retrieve ok.
32.2 Set Satel 3AS-mode.