During cooling operation, the signals being sent from the indoor unit allow the operating frequency limitation
and then prevent freezing of the indoor heat exchanger. (The signal from the indoor unit must be divided into
the zones as the followings).
Conditions for Start Controlling
Judge the controlling start with the indoor heat exchanger temperature after 2 seconds from operation start.
7-2-6. Freeze-up Protection Control
During heating operation, the signals being sent from the indoor unit allow the operating frequency limitation
and prevent abnormal high pressure. (The signal from the indoor unit must be divided as follows).
Conditions for Start Controlling
Judge the controlling start with the indoor heat exchanger temperature after 2 seconds from operation start
Control in Each Zone
The heat exchanger intermediate temperature of indoor unit controls the following.
Limitation of current drooping and stop value according to the outdoor air temperature
7-2-7. Heating Peak-Cut Control
(1) In case the operation mode is cooling
The current droops when outdoor air temperature becomes higher than a certain level (model by model).
(2) In case the operation mode is heating
The current droops when outdoor air temperature becomes higher than a certain level (model by model).
Return/Reset zone
Up zone
Keep zone
Drooping zone
Stop zone
Heat exchanger
thermistor temperature
Reset zone
Up zone
Keep zone
Drooping zone
Stop zone
Heat exchanger
thermistor temperature