Montage- und Betriebsanleitung
Schneefräse SG-110 Snowrider
Art.-Nr. 110011 Schwarz
Art.-Nr. 110223 Rot
Art.-Nr. 110334 Gelb
Warnung! Lesen Sie diese Betriebsanleitung vor dem Zusammenbau und der Inbetrieb-
nahme der Maschine aufmerksam durch. Die Schneefräse darf nur von Personen bedient
werden, die sich mit dieser Anleitung vertraut gemacht haben. Bewahren Sie diese Anlei-
tung zum späteren Nachlesen an einem sicheren Ort auf und geben Sie diese mit, wenn
Sie die Maschine an einen anderen Benutzer weitergeben.
Santosgrills GmbH ▪ Hafenstraße 1 ▪ D-51063 Köln
Phone: +49 (0) 221 630 72 – 220 ▪ Fax: +49 (0) 221 630 72 - 229
Dear Customer,
Thank you for the confidence in purchasing our product. We hope you will spend many
enjoyable hours using it. The present instructions are issued to ensure a right and correct use of the
product. For this reason we ask you to follow this working and safety instructions carefully so that
the machine could operate with complete satisfaction and have a long service life.
To guarantee what above it is necessary to fit the machine with original components/spare
parts. The user/operator forfeits any claims which may arise if the machine is fitted with
components other than original spare parts.
The wheel barrow is designed and built to carry weight. The wheel barrow must only be used with
original equipment and spares. Any use other than those here described is prohibited and will
involve, in addition to cancellation of the warranty, serious risk for the operator and bystanders.
Both on the machine body and in the present instructions booklet can be found indications
and notices linked to the a.m. symbol: in such cases please be careful because you can face
potential danger so it is recommended to use a special caution both for operator’s own sake
and bystanders’.
WARNING! Before assembly and putting the machine into operation, please read the operating
instructions carefully. Persons not familiar with such instructions are not authorized to use the
machine. Do not operate this equipment with only one hand
1. Persons under 16 should not be allowed to use the machine.
2. When operating the machine, the user should ensure that no others, particularly children, are
standing in the area. Please, remember that you are responsible for the safe operating of your
machine vis-à-vis third persons.
3. Exercise extreme caution when operating on or crossing gravel drives, ways, or roads. Stay
alert for hidden hazards or traffic.
4. Start the engine standing behind the handlebars.
5. During the machine transport and all the maintenance, cleaning, equipment change
operations, the engine must be switched off.
6. Before leaving the machine, please switch the engine off.
7. Do not switch the machine on in closed rooms/areas where you can have carbon monoxide
8. WARNING!! The petrol/gasoline is highly inflammable: Don’t fill the tank neither in closed
areas, nor when engine is on. Don’t smoke and be careful to the petrol/gasoline loss from the
tank. In case of leak, don’t try to switch the engine on but move the machine away from the
area in order to avoid ignition source until the gasoline vapors’ fade away. Re-place the tank
caps and the gasoline box.