Menu Operations
The channels of favorite groups are indicated with a favorite icon behind the name.
Press [OK] again to remove the channel from the marked favorite group.
Press [Menu] button you will be asked “Are you sure to save?” current. Select “Yes” to save the
marked favorite group. Select “No” to cancel the operation and return to the TV channel list.
3.2.3 Move
Pressing the red button in the TV channel list will
open another window where you can choose
between move the actual channel and swap the
actual channel to the desired position, press [OK] to
confirm it.
a) Move
Press red button to show a moving icon behind
the channel name.
2. Move the channel to the desired position with
]. Press [OK] to confirm the position.
b) Swap
Press green button to show a moving icon behind the channel name.
Move the channel to the desired position with [CH
]. Press [OK], then the selected channel
will immediately exchange positions with the channel currently occupying this position.
3.1.4 Sort
Press green to open the sort window. Press [CH
to select and [OK] to confirm your choice.
The ways of sorting are:
Name (A-Z): Sorting in Alphabetical order,
ignoring “$” symbol.
Name (Z-A): Sorting in Alphabetical order,
ignoring “$” symbol.
FTA: Sort channel by free and scrambled
sequence. Free channels will be listed first and
scrambled channels behind in the channel list.
Lock: Unlocked channels are listed first end locked channels at the end.
Default: Sort channel factory default.