S&C Instruction Sheet 461-504 77
Using TripSaver
II Service Center Confi guration Software Version 1.8
Trip Events
The TripSaver II Service Center Confi guration Software allows viewing the relative time
stamp, duration, and current level of the last 25 interrupter trip events in the Trip Events
table. When the table is full (loaded with 25 events), each new event will overwrite the
oldest event in the table. For example, the 26th event will overwrite the 1st event shown
in the table.
: While the Trip Events table only displays the last 25 interrupter trip events for user
review, the fi rmware uses a separate memory to store full event logs for future engineering
analysis use. The full log can be obtained by saving a snapshot fi le.
The Trip Events table is located in the lower section of the
Event Logs
Five columns of data are presented. See Figure 108.
Figure 108. The Trip Events table.
Each new event is assigned an event ID number in ascending order. The newest
event is displayed in the top row of the table, and the oldest event is displayed in the
bottom row. See Figure 109.
Figure 109. The Event ID column.