Step 24
If necessar y, inter phase bar r iers ca n be
removed to facilitate makeup and connection
of cable terminations to switch, fuse, or bus
terminals. See Figure 19.
If the interphase
barriers are removed, note their positioning
to ensure correct reinstallation later.
sure the connection of the incoming-power
source(s) to the switchgear terminals is in the
proper phase sequence.
W hen making up connections, avoid
placing any intentional strain on switch
or fuse terminals. It is important that
each cable-terminator connector be fl at
against the corresponding switch or
fuse terminal pad, with the bolt holes in
Do not use the connecting bolts
to pull cables into alignment
. Failure to
comply with these precautions may cause
misalignment of the switch or fuse.
Step 25
Before connecting cable terminators to
the terminal pads, thoroughly wire-brush
contact surfaces as shown in
Figure 20, to remove any dirt or foreign
materials as well as the natural surface
oxides. Immediately coat both contact
surfaces, to
-inch beyond the joint, with a
uniform layer of Penetrox A.
Copper terminals have a thin layer
of silver applied to contact surfaces. These
surfaces must be prepared as described in the
“NOTE” in Step 19 on page 17.
For access to the bus when the
opt ion a l compa r t ment a l i z a t ion fea t u re
is included, remove the barrier shown in
Figure 20.
Figure 19. Interphase barriers.
Figure 20. Aluminum terminal pads (compartmentalization
option shown).