SRG-1150DN / SRG-1250DN / SN-100
o Major Applications
The entry level printer in the Oki 9- pin dot- matrix range, the ML 280 is fast and
robust, yet compact and light. A true demand document printer with bottom feed and
short tear, its special size makes it ideal for customer service environments and
industrial workstation applications. :
* Multi part continuous forms
* Dedicated label printer
* Data logging and personal use
* Suited to harsh environments
* Customer service and industrial workstation environments
o General Printer Characteristics
* Number of pins : 9
* No. of multi- part forms : 4(one original + 3 copies)
* Print speed a t : 12 c pi 10 cpi
Super s p e e d : 300 c ps -
High speed draft : - 240 cps
Utility : 200 c ps 200 cps
Near letter quality : 50 c ps 50 cps
* Fastest print s peed : 300 cps
* Carriage width (10 c pi) : 80 columns
Max. in compressed mode : 132 columns
* Dimens ions :
H e ig ht : 80 mm
W id th : 360 mm
D e p th : 275 mm
W e ig ht : 4.5 Kg
* Continuous P aper : 3 - 9.5"(76.2 - 241.33 mm)
* First Printable L ine : From top of page
Cut S he e t : 0.59"(15 mm)
C ontinuous : 0.67"(16.9 mm)
* Character P itc h : 10/12/17 pitch & proportional
* Graphics R es olution : Up to 216 X 240 dpi
* Me mo ry : Standard buffer 1 line
* Noise L e v e l : Less than 55 dBA
* Power Requirements : 230V AC (+6%, - 14%), 240V AC(± 10%)
* F re que nc y : 50/60 Hz