4th Edition of TEMI880 IM : Jan. 29. 2007 Page 106 / 119 Reading program pattern
▶ There is how to read program pattern on TEMI880
1 Set program pattern number on D1000
2 Set segment number on D1002
3 Set READ TRIGGER('2') on D1003
4 Read D1004 data and then wait until DONE('1')
5 Read Temp. TSP, Humi. TSP and segment time on D1010~1012
☞ This list(
1 ~
5 ) is shown that read only one segment which in the program patterns. Therefore, if you
want to read several segments you should repeat above step with change the segment number.
You can read data on D1603~D1618 when you set zero(‘0’) at D1002 at the step
2 . Writing program pattern
▶ There is how to write program pattern on TEMI880
1 Set program pattern number on D1000
2 Set segment number on D1002
3 Set Temp. TSP, Humi. TSP and segment time on D1010~D1012
4 Set WRITE TRIGGER('3') on D1003
5 Read D1004 data and then wait until DONE('1')
☞ This list(
1 ~
5 ) is shown that write only one segment which in the program patterns. Therefore, if you
want to write several segments you should repeat above step with change the segment number.
You can write data on D1603~D1618 when you set zero(‘0’) at D1002 at the step
2 .