English _47
tampering detection
You can set to detect tampering attempts and trigger events, such as sudden change of camera’s framing
direction, blocked lens and other overall change of scenes from the video.
From the Setup menu, select the <
analytics ( )
> tab.
Click <
tampering detection
Set whether or not to <
enable tampering detection
The chart represents the degree of tempering. Set the level
sensitivity of tempering to detect (range: 1 to 100).
Set the sensitivity.
The higher the set value, the more sensitive the camera
reaction (range: 1 to 100).
Specify the minimum monitoring duration.
An event signal is generated if a state higher than the detection level remains for the minimum monitoring
duration (unit: seconds)
Specify whether to exclude dark areas.
This function makes it difficult to distinguish darkness due to de-illumination from darkness due to being
blocked by an object. Despite this property, if you want to exclude an alarm for sudden changes in screen
brightness such as de-illumination, you should enable this function.
Configure the event motion schedule and event motion conditions.
For more information about <
Event activation time
> and <
Event action settings
>, refer to “
Alarm input
”. (page 45)
When done, click [
The detection will be restarted after stabilization for a certain period of time (about 5 seconds). During stabilization, detection
is not available.
If false alarms are frequently generated, you should gradually decrease the sensitivity to minimize false alarms.
If you use a low sensitivity, alarms may be generated even by very small changes on the screen, but false detection may
occur in response to changes in moving objects or brightness.
In the following cases, the tempering detection function may malfunction.
Monitoring environment with simple background, night and low light level environment.
Severe camera vibration or sudden lighting changes
Defocus detection
You can configure settings to generate an alarm signal when a defocus of the camera lens is detected.
From the Setup menu, select the <
analytics ( )
> tab.
Click <
Defocus detection
Set whether or not to <
enable Defocus detection
Configure settings for each item.
Level of detection : An alarm is generated if the current
level is higher than the detection level configured.
Sensitivity : The higher the intensity is, the higher the level
of the chart that is output for the same video.
Minimum duration (s) : An alarm is generated if the
level state higher than the detection level remains continuously for the minimum monitoring duration
Configure the event motion schedule and event motion conditions.
Simple Focus : Specifies whether to use the simple defocus function when defocus is detected.
For more information about <
Event activation time
> and <
Event action settings
>, refer to “
Alarm input
”. (page 45)
When done, click [
After an alarm for defocus detection is generated, if you want to receive an alarm for defocus detection again, you need to
return to a stable state at least once. Examples of returning to a stable state are as follows.
Use Defocus Detection check box is deselected
Video identification is available, as simple focus is activated
If an object in the video moves to a position at which good focus is ensured and thus an identifiable tempering is detected
In the following cases, the defocus detection performance may be impaired or a malfunction may occur.
Monotonous monitoring environment, night or low illumination environment
Sudden changes in the illumination (e.g. indoor light shutting off)
Lens blocked by a large object that covers almost all of the screen
Changes the focus object by changing the camera position.