EB 8389-1S EN
Full stroke test (FST)
Activate 'Perm. time until CLOSED position
exceeded': Yes, [No]
Perm. time until CLOSED position exceeded:
0.0 to 25000 s, [70.0 s]
Device settings > Alarm settings > Status
classification > PST/FST
Max. test duration exceeded:
[ ], , ,
Test canceled manually: [ ], , ,
Measured data memory full:
[ ], , ,
Cancel internal solenoid valve/forced
venting: [ ], , ,
Canceled by control loop error:
[ ], , ,
Set point start difference too high:
[ ], , ,
Set point change: [ ], , ,
Current too low: [ ], , ,
Max. breakaway time exceeded:
[ ], , ,
Perm. time until CLOSED position exceeded:
[ ], , ,
Canceled by supply pressure:
[ ], , ,
Diagnostics > Monitoring/tests > Dynamic
tests > Full stroke test (FST)
Start test
Note concerning setting the FST diagnostic
The 'Ramp time (increasing)' must be
greater than the corresponding value for
'Min. transit time CLOSED' (Code 41)
determined during initialization.
The 'Ramp time (decreasing)' must be
greater than the corresponding value for
'Min. transit time OPEN' (Code 40) de
termined during initialization.
The 'Sampling time' must not be lower
than the indicated 'Recommended min.
sampling time'. The 'Recommended min.
sampling time' is calculated from the 'Ex
pected duration of test'.