EB 8389-1S EN
Partial stroke test (PST)
Cancelation conditions, time-out
'Max. test duration': The test is canceled
when the maximum permissible test du-
ration is reached.
'Max. breakaway time': The test is can
celed when the valve position has
reached less than 10 % of the PST target
travel after the defined time has elapsed.
This cancelation condition only becomes
effective after it has been activated ("Ac-
tivate 'Max. breakaway time" = [Yes]).
'Perm. time until step end': The test is
canceled when the time entered in 'Set
tling time before starting test' has
elapsed before the valve has reached its
'Stop' position. This cancelation condi
tion only becomes effective after it has
been activated ("Activate 'Perm. time un
til step end" = [Yes]).
Cancelation condition - valve position x (to
check the valve position)
'x monitoring value': The test is canceled
as soon as the valve position falls below
the adjusted value. This cancelation con-
dition only becomes effective after it has
been activated ('Activate x monitoring' =
Cancelation condition, signal pressure Δp
'∆p out monitoring value': The test is
canceled if the change in signal pressure
exceeds or falls below the reference val-
The reference value is made up of 'Δp
out reference value' and 'Δp out moni
toring value'. This cancelation condition
only becomes effective after it has been
activated ('Activate Δp out monitoring' =
The positioner determines the '∆p out
reference value' from both signal pres
sures issued at the start and end of the
step. It only applies to adjusted step
change and ramp values.
Cancelation condition, tolerance band
'PST tolerance band': The test is canceled
as soon as the deviation of the valve po-
sition (in relation to the step end value
(Stop)) exceeds the adjusted PST toler-
ance band. This cancelation condition
only becomes effective after it has been
activated ('Activate PST tolerance band
monitoring' = Yes).
The partial stroke test must be per-
formed with deactivated cancelation
conditions for valves with double-
acting actuator and pneumatic
booster as well as for valves that
have been initialized using the SUB
mode (substitute calibration).
Excessive overshooting may occur in
valves fitted with boosters. In this
case, the cancelation conditions 'x
monitoring value' and 'PST toler
ance band' must be increased ac-
Additionally, the partial stroke test is can-
celed when one of the following events aris-