Operator’s manual
Front disc mowers
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Daily maintenance
Everyday after work please carry out the following maintenance:
clean the mower each day after working, especially between discs and the cutterbar, because
grass with mud may damage bearings in the disc module,
remove grass and mud,
check all visible units and parts and their connections; tighten all loose bolts and nuts and
replace all damaged and/or worn parts with new genuine ones,
check the cutterbar,
grease PTO shaft tubes with STP grease,
if necessary, lubricate the parts and units according to lubrication instructions (chapter 7).
Parts, which may cause risk to operator’s health and safety are as follows: damaged disks,
tarpaulin covers, worn or damaged hydraulic hoses.
After-season maintenance and storing of machine
It is recommended for the operator to wear protective gloves when performing maintenance works.
After that the following work should be carried out:
remove any traces of rust and paint the area affected,
check lubrication of intersecting axis gear and cutterbar. If leaks occur, remove them
immediately. If water is discovered in the oil, it must be changed, otherwise the gears, bearings
and shafts could be damaged,
periodically check the mower and secure the moving parts with grease to prevent the mower
from rust, which affects thge proper functioning of the mower,
regularly check hydraulic hoses. In case of damage or expiry replace with new ones. Expiry
period should not exceed 5 years.
Detached mower should be stored in standstill position, so it is supported onto supporting leg
and the cutterbar. It is recommended to store the set on paved ground, preferably in roofed places,
inaccessible to unauthorized personnel or animals.
After storing for adequate period prior to the machine operation, its technical condition should
be examined and special attention should be paid to the hydraulics and the drive. Paintwork should
be complemented, hydraulic hoses checked and lubricated.
At the end of the season the mower should be cleaned, washed and dried. Carefully grease
unpainted surfaces and 3-point linkage pins.
touch up any chips in the paint,
check the oil level in the angle drives and the cutterbar (Section 7). If leaks are discovered they
should be repaired immediately and lost oil replaced. If water in oil is discovered immediately
change the oil as it could cause corrosion of internal mechanisms such as gear wheels, bearings,
or shafts, and in effect be the cause of breakdowns,
periodically inspect the mower and lubricate moving parts in order to protect them from
corrosion which effects proper operation of the mower,
check hydraulic hoses regularly. Replace any damaged or old hoses. The period of hydraulic
hose utilization should not exceed 5 years from the date of their manufacture printed on
the hose.