Operator’s manual
Front disc mowers
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Every position change of the mower can only be done when there is nobody around (pay
particular attention to children).
For the transport period put warning plate with combined lights and reflectors and warning
triangle on the mower.
During transport always put the mower to transport position.
Before putting the mower to transport position make sure, that the tractor’s PTO is turned off
and all the rotating parts have come to complete standstill.
Driving speed should always be adjusted to current road conditions and local traffic rules.
It is forbidden to drive on public roads, if the mower's transport width is more
than 3 m (for: KDF 340, KDF 340W, KDF 341W, KDF 340S, KDF 340SL,
KDF 341S, KDF 341SL, KDF 390).
Putting the mower onto another vehicle for transport
The driver and the carrier are responsible for mower’s transport safety. Equipment and parts
must be secured during transport.
To put the mower onto another vehicle in a safe way, please obey the following rules:
seize the mower by any lifting devices only in the places indicated by the hook sign (Fig. 5),
for mower lifting use only lifting devices with hoisting capacity bigger than mower’s weight
shown in data plate. It also concerns ropes and chains used for lifting,
collapsible parts should be blocked in transport position,
during putting the mower onto another vehicle it is forbidden for anybody to remain in transport
on the vehicle’s trailer the machine should be secured against moving.
Securing manouvering area and transport of the mower is the responsibility
of a person who does it.
Fig. 5. Transport holders
Transport holder