SAM4S SPS-300 Series Electronic Cash Register AU
Glossary of Terms
Glossary of Terms
Activity Count
The activity counter keeps track of the number of times an entry is made on a PLU, or function key.
Alpha Keyboard Overlay
The alpha keyboard overlay represents a new set of functions and characters for each key on the
keyboard. When you are programming a field that requires alpha numeric entries, the keyboard
automatically shifts into the alpha keyboard so that you can simply type the message or descriptor
you wish to program. An overlay legend sheet is provided to place on the keyboard while you are
Refers to the total of all sales ending in a negative balance.
Auto Scale
Registrations of PLUs with auto scale status will automatically multiply by the weight placed upon a
scale connected to the register. Use for items such as produce, that are always sold by weight.
Auto Tare
With auto tare status assigned, a pre-programmed tare weight will automatically subtract from the
weight from the scale.
Press the CANCEL function to abort a transaction in progress. All current items are removed
Check Cash
Use the CHECK CASH function to exchange a check for cash outside of a sale.