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Page 4
Cortex CRT Quantum main features
CORTEX CRT Quantum main features are:
PC-based Architecture with Windows Operating System
User-friendly and Intuitive Graphic User Interface
Wide Range of Configuration Parameters and Status
Extensive Use of Digital Signal Processing Techniques for Enhanced Performances, Upgradability and
High Integration with Drastically Reduced Hardware for Increased Availability
No Tuning, no Preventive Maintenance
Full Compatibility with the VME-based CORTEX, CORTEXNT and CORTEX XL / CORTEX XL2 Previous
Generations. Refer to the Comparison Chart in chapter 1.5 for details of the minor differences between
CRT Quantum and CRT XL/XL2
The CORTEX CRT Quantum supports all types of TT&C missions and standards:
Satellite Assembly, Integration and Testing, Pre-launch Testing,
Station Keeping, Launch & Early Orbit Operation Support (LEOP),
GEO or LEO, Three-axis or Spin-stabilized Satellites,
Low Data Rate (House Keeping Operations) or High Data Rate Processing.
Mission of the Cortex CRT Quantum
The telemetry and control telemetry unit (CORTEX CRT Quantum) performs the following functions, in IF and in
baseband in a satellite control station:
Satellite telemetry processing (up to six telemetry chains for low-rate applications),
Satellite telecommanding,
Satellite tracking (range and Doppler measurement)
With the optional board Embedded Frequency Converter, the CRT is able to cover L and S band (from 950MHz
to 2400MHz) in addition to the legacy IF (70MHz) for downlink and uplink.