If a lanyard is used, once the lanyard has been secured to the d-ring (see Figure 3 above), attach the
snap hook at the end of the lanyard nearest the shock absorber (if applicable) to the back d-ring of the
harness or the side d-ring of the body belt or harness (see section A – User Equipment above). Check
the connection, or have another user check the connection for you, to be sure that it is firm and that roll-
out is not possible (see Figure 1 above). If a d-ring extender is used (the extender is connected to the
back d-ring of the harness), attach the snap hook at the end of the lanyard nearest the shock absorber
to the d-ring at the end of the extender. Check the connection, or have another user check the
connection for you, to be sure that it is firm and that roll-out is not possible (see Figure 1 above). Once
the lanyard has been secured to the single point anchor and to the user, work may commence.