The Route feature Allows you to draw GPS route history of a vehicle on a day as far back as 15
Days. It just gives you the overall route for that day. It doesn’t display specific information such
as stops or idle times just the route at a glance.
After Selecting “Route” at the top (Fig.4) you will be presented
with a larger scale map. At the bottom left corner you will see a
window like the one to the left. Here is where you choose the
particular day (as far back as 15 days) and the vehicle you want to
draw a route for. The device can either be online or offline. Select
Search to start the search for all routes for that day.
The window to the left is what you will see in the bottom left
corner of your map after clicking search. This will display all
available routes for that day. Time and date stamped with Start and
End of the route.
End of Route
Map Points
Start of Route Example