Video Playback:
The Video Playback feature allows you to remotely access a device/vehicle only when a vehicle
is online and has a good cellular connection. When you want to remotely access a device for
playback just check to see if the vehicle is available for stream in the “Live View” tab.
NOTE: This feature is only available on the UCIT 4 Channel DVR System and the UCIT PRO
When accessing the DVR remotely, you will see the video data exactly as you would see it if you
were to pull the memory card from the DVR and play back from the Desktop Player. Minus the
playback tools and ability to export data. However you do have the ability to record what you are
playing back remotely, which will be saved to your computer as an .AVI. You are then able to
share it as you please.
The next page will walk you through step by step how to remotely access your DVR.