Page 3:
3G Settings: Here you can manipulate settings to adjust how your viewer operates.
-Unit of Speed: Choose your desired unit of speed (Km/h, Mile/h or Knot)
-Auto Disconnect Time:
Data Overages can apply if not used correctly.
This feature works as a fail safe, turning the auto disconnect time on will give you a time
limit as to how long you can live stream a device for. Notice the field for inputing a time
is in SECONDS. Example: Putting 600 in the field is 600 Seconds = 10 Minutes.
-Read Device: Here you have an option of “Only Read Online Device” or “Read All
Device”. This has to do with the your device list or vehicle list. If you choose “Only
Read Online Device” you will of course see devices/vehicles that are online, but when
those devices go offline they will disappear from the device/vehicle list. If “Read All
Device” is chosen then when a device goes offline it will still be present on the device
list it will just be grey in color. (Refer to Device list on Page 2 of this guide for
difference between online and offline devices).
-Grouping of Device: Grouping your devices will put them all into subcategory with your
company name instead of listing all devices individually.
Other Settings:
Other viewer settings that may or may not be applicable to you.