A. Launching the Live View Player
After opening the application, you will be confronted with the 3G Platform Client
Login. Shown Here:
Here you will want to input your chosen username and password. The Network Configuration
should already be pre-filled to access your data being run through our server. DO NOT change
these settings as you will not be able to login if you do. If you delete them by accident close the
login window and open the application again.
You will notice below where you have entered your user name and password there are options to
“Remember password” and “Auto Login”. By checking the box by remember password this will
of course remember your password for you every time you double click and open the application
to this screen. If you check both “Remember Password” and “Auto Login” when you double
click the application to open it you will bypass this login screen and go straight to your Live
View Interface.
Otherwise after you type in your username and password click Login and you will see your Live
View Interface if your Username and Password were entered correctly.