Event Record Setting:
Data Overages can apply if not used correctly.
Here you have the option to automatically record events as they occur. The recording
starts the second the chosen channel for the particular event occurs.
The player automatically records what ever is being streamed back on the player. You
must be streaming the vehicle you want video recorded events on. You are in control of
the duration of that recorded event.
The above record duration time DIRECTLY correlates to the “AUTO
DISCONNECT TIME” on the page 3 tab in settings.
Lets say I want to record video of any Braking event that may occur, on a
particular vehicle for training purposes, on the driver’s shift. On page 2, I have
Brake selected under CH.1 and CH.2 which I know is the forward facing
camera and driver facing camera. This way I can tell if the driver was texting,
which could have been the cause of the hard brake. Next I have the record
duration set to 15 seconds. Which should be more than enough time to see
what I need. Next I want to make sure, on page 3, that my auto disconnect time
is also 15 seconds.
You have the option to receive emails notifying you when the camera
system detects an event. If you have your events setup to be recorded they you even have
the option to automatically attach that video file in the email notification.
If you want to receive email notifications check the email notify box.
SMTP Server, SMTP Port, Email Account and Email Password are left alone. They next
think you will want to do is input emails of those you want to receive these notifications.
If the SMTP Server, SMTP Port, Email Account and Email Password are
N/A if manipulated then this feature will not work for you. You are only concerned with
“Email Address” and the check box options.
Email Options:
Door: N/A
Left = Hard Left Turn
Right = Hard Right Turn
Brake = Hard Brake
G-Sensor = Accident
Over Speed = Exceeded Speeding Perimeters
Idle = Exceeded Idling Perimeters
Disk Error = SD Card Has Been Removed or Damaged
Video Loss = Loss Of Video from Loss of Coverage or Power Disconnect
Offline = Vehicle is Offline.
*Note: You must keep the software up and running to receive these emails.