General Information About Digital Thermometers
Many people believe that normal body temperature is 98.6°F (37.0°C). However,
medical research has shown that temperature varies from person to person. Factors
affecting body temperature include age, gender, physical activity, environmental
temperature, clothing, medications, and time of day. Oral, underarm, and rectal
temperatures vary by approximately 0.9°F/0.5°C. Use the chart below for
Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion.
Memory Function
Safety Information
Temperature Measurements Range
The memory function stores the last measurement. This measurement will appear
for approximately three seconds after turning the thermometer on and after it runs
its built-in test. The ready display will then show after last reading appears. This
feature allows you to compare your most recent measurement
to the prior one. For example:
High, prolonged fever requires medical attention, especially for young children.
Please contact your physician.
Do not allow children to take their temperatures unattended.
Read the following instructions carefully to ensure accurate temperature readings.
Do not allow children to walk or run during temperature taking. The probe could
present a hazard.
• NEVER allow a child to play with these products. They are
not toys. They are sensitive electronic devices and may be
damaged if not used properly under parental supervision.
• ALWAYS supervise your child when using these
thermometers. NEVER allow your child to use it alone or
without close parental supervision.