Safety 1st Hospital’s Choice Digital Pacifier Thermometer
The Safety 1
Hospital’s Choice
Digital Pacifier Thermometer is a
unique type of thermometer
designed specifically to allow you
to take the temperature of a
small child without the
unnecessary discomfort or
inconvenience of conventional
How To Take Temperature
• NEVER allow a child to play with this product. It is not a toy.
It is a sensitive electronic device and may be damaged if
not used properly under parental supervision.
• ALWAYS supervise your child when using the Pacifier
Thermometer. NEVER allow your child to use it alone or
without close parental supervision.
Press and release power button. The display will read “188.8ºF” and then “L”
with the ºF (ºC) symbol flashing, confirming that the unit is working. An “ERR”
message indicates the unit is not working properly. Turn unit off and then on
again. If “ERR” message appears again, contact Safety 1st Consumer Relations
Department at 1-800-554-1108.
Position pacifier bulb in child’s mouth and allow the child to suck on the Pacifier
Thermometer for a minimum of three minutes (allowing the thermometer to
remain in the child’s mouth for 6 to 8 minutes will provide the most accurate
reading). The thermometer will sound beeps for 8 to 10 seconds when it reaches
maximum temperature and the ºF (ºC) will stop flashing.
Remove the Pacifier Thermometer and read the temperature indicated on display
It is not uncommon for infants to have a normal body temperature
slightly higher than the prescribed norm for adults.
To turn the thermometer off, press the Power button again. In order to conserve
battery life we recommend turning the thermometer off after taking a reading.
However, the thermometer will automatically shut off after approximately 10