or more Graphi-Qs in your serial chain, the following screen (Network Chain) will appear:
This screen shows all of the Graphi-Q units connected to your computer via serial connections from the
designated COM port. (Remember the software will allow two separate chains of connected Graphi-Qs,
using two different COM ports.) It will also display the serial number of each unit, the model number, and
a user-assignable name (Mains, Monitors, etc.). To assign a name, simply highlight the NAME box for
the unit you wish to identify, then type in up to 8 characters. When you’ve done this for all the units you
wish to name, or if you’ve already named units previously or don’t need any identification beyond serial
numbers, click ACCEPT, and the software will open the main screen.
8.1.1. Default Control Status
For first time startup with GRQ3122 and GRQ3121 ONLY:
After you choose “Connect Graphi-Q” for
the first time, the software will open in
Front-Panel mode
. This means that the front panel still has
control, not your GRQ software. To take control with the software, follow these steps:
1. Choose Stored Presets from the Options Menu, or hit the F6 key.
2. Click on “System Default”, then on “Load”.
This will enable your remote control, with all parameters set to the factory default. All front panel controls
are locked by default when in computer control mode.
You can selectively enable front panel control
for any function. See section 8.2.10 Mixed Front Panel Control.
NOTE: When GRQ Remote is in control, the REMOTE LED on the front panel will light.
If you are using the
GRQ3122-S or GRQ3121-S
, your first session will begin with GRQ-Remote in control.
There is no front panel mode available with these models.
The Main Remote screen (see page 26) is designed for easy access to all of the vital functions and
controls of the Graphi-Q. Most can be accessed directly on the Main screen, and no control screen is
more than a single keystroke away. If you’re familiar with Windows applications, you will probably be
an expert with a few minutes of experimenting. Read on for a description of the control protocols for
GRQ functions.
8.2.1. Graphic Equalizer
Changing EQ slider settings can be accomplished in three ways: (1) Click and drag the desired EQ
slider with the mouse; (2) Click the right mouse button, then type in the amount of boost or cut when
prompted by a pop-up screen; or (3) Use the left-right arrow keys to navigate to the slider you desire
(indicated in red), then use the up/down arrows to boost or cut. All EQ adjustments allow a half-dB
resolution, with one exception: in front panel mode with the EQ range set to +12 dB, the resolution for
adjusting EQ faders will be 1 dB. In remote control mode, however, the resolution for adjustment will
always be ½ dB, regardless of EQ range. The value of the current slider setting shows in a pop-up
window whenever the slider is clicked with the left mouse button, or selected with a left-right arrow key.
A final extra control offered by the Remote Software is the level control slider to the right of the 31 EQ
bands. This control is redundant with the gain knob on the compressor section of the Remote Software;
changing one control will be reflected in the setting indication of the other.
For two channel Graphi-Q2s, click on the Channel selections to the right of the blue field to select the
channel EQ controls you wish to adjust. For all Graphi-Q functions, the color yellow will represent all
settings and displays associated with the left channel; green will represent the right channel.
Also to the right of the curve display are the controls that allow choice of EQ adjustment range (6 dB
or 12 dB boost or cut).
8.2.2. High/Low Cut Filters
High and Low Cut Filter Controls on the Remote Control are located just below the slider controls.
Changing high and low cut filters can be accomplished by two methods:
Click and drag on the left horizontal scroll bar to change the low cut filter, and on the right horizontal
scroll bar to change the high cut filter; or
Click the right mouse button, and type in the filter value. Clicking with the left mouse button will also
display the current value of the filter. Filter slope can be independently set for both high and low
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