manuale di installazione, conduzione e manutenzione
Installation and maintenance manual
Rotary filters:
The filtering bed in not regenerable. Replace the roll at its exhaustion.
Bag filters:
The floppy bag filters must be replaced when achieving a maximum increase of pressure drop of 250 Pa while for the rigid bag filters the
pressure drop can achieve 400 Pa.
These filters are not regenerable and in order to extend their lasting we suggest to make always use of cell pre-filters.
The clogged bag must be removed after putting a closing device on the air inlet side (e.g. a sheet of cardboard) in order to prevent the
caught dust from getting out.
The fastening of the new bag in the frame must be carried out by making use of the four clips; if even one clip is missing, leaks of dirty air
might occur.
Absolute filters:
These filters must be replaced when achieving a maximum increase of the pressure drop of 600 Pa signaled by a differential pressure switch
or pressure gauge.
Activated carbon filters
The clogging level of these filters can be detected hardly.
Gas quality and concentration, absorbing carbon characteristics and quantity determine the need to carry out the replacement; anyway we
suggest to carry out it every month.
Heat exchange batteries
The cleaning of the bladed pack is a very delicate operation; we suggest to check the conditions every
three months and anyway to carry it at the beginning of every season, by means of low-pressure air and
water jets, soft brushes and specific chemical descaling agents.
A possible bending of the blades can be repaired by means of special combs having the same pitch.
After cleaning the batteries and with the same frequency, we suggest to clean the trays that must be free of any impurity and be positioned
with the correct slope in order to ensure their complete and fast emptying..
Plate heat regenerators
As per the heat exchange batteries, paying attention, make use of low-pressure
water spouts, together with the chemical descaling agents.
Carry out this operation only it is considered to be necessary after the seasonal
The frequent maintenance of the two filters positioned at the regenerator inlet on the two inlet air flows (as
required by Standards) reduces the need to carry out this operation remarkably.
Rotary heat regenerators:
For the maintenance of this device, follow the attached instructions provided by the Manufacturer.
As routine maintenance, we suggest to check the wear of the transmission belt at least once a month.
Evaporating unit humidifiers:
The evaporating unit can be extracted from the side to carry out the monthly check of its scaling and, if necessary, to replace it.
When the evaporating unit is removed, the internal cleaning of the distribution holes and water collection tank can be carried out by means of
chemical descaling agents.
Install the evaporating unit again putting it in counter-current against the direction of the crossing air.