R60 Station
R60 User Manual
Document Number
7000 120-019
Page 72 (98)
disallow certain slots for usage when repeating messages, this is done using Owner
Remote (see Table 6-13).
The slots reserved for repeater usage (Local) needs to be announced on the VDL using
message 20. This can be done by another AIS base station or the R60 itself can
announce the slots. To have the R60 do it the same slots shall be setup under data link
management (see 6.8), and transmission of message 20 must be enabled (see 6.7). To
allocate the slots exclusively for repeated messages the Ownership shall be Remote in
the data link management configuration, or Local to allow the R60 the option of using
the slots both for base station transmissions and repeated messages. If FATDMA is to
be used for repeated messages, the recommended way is to configure the slots as
Local both here and under data link management, allowing the R60 maximal slot
selection flexibility.
The Repeater – Reservation settings are described in Table 6-13 below:
Parameter Description
Channel A
Channel B
The ownership parameter can be set to:
Clear: No reservation made for repeater.
Local: The reservation can be used by the R60 for
transmitting repeated messages using FATDMA.
Remote: The R60 is prohibited from using the specified slots
for transmitting repeated messages.
Start Slot
The first slot of the reservation block.
The number of slots between the start slot and the next reservation
of the block.
Block Size
The number of consecutive slots that shall be reserved.
Table 6-13 – Parameters for the Repeater - Reservations category page
Configure > Repeater > MMSI filter
This category contains parameters used to define filtering for which messages will be
repeated based on the MMSI of those messages.
The R60 compares the source MMSI of incoming AIS messages to the MMSI filter
If there is any MMSI include filter defined the source MMSI must be in one of
Otherwise, if there is any MMSI exclude filter defined the source MMSI must
not be in any of them.
If all MMSI filters on this page are disabled, no MMSI filtering is done.
The Repeater – MMSI Filters settings are described in Table 6-14 below:
Parameter Description
MMSI Filters
There are 16 filter positions with the following settings alternatives:
Disabled – The MMSI filter position is not used.