R60 Station
R60 User Manual
Document Number
7000 120-019
Page 57 (98)
Configure > Reporting rates (Base Station only)
Settings for reporting rate are found by selecting the Configure base category and then
select the Reporting Rate sub-category.
The reporting rate settings specifies exactly which FATDMA slots shall be used for
transmitting messages on each channel. This is done by specifying a start slot and a
slot increment as:
UTC Minute
The UTC minute for the start slot. This is only of interest if increment is larger than one
Start Slot
The first FATDMA slot that the message type shall be broadcasted in. If you do not want
the message type to be broadcasted at all, set the start slot to -1.
The number of slots between the start slot and the next transmission of the message
The number of consecutive slots that shall be used (only for message 17).
Table 6-5 – Parameters for Reporting Rates
The reporting rates of the base station report (Msg 4) are fully determined by the start
slot of channel A. This is thus the only editable setting of this message.
Most of the other messages set up in this category have additional settings found in
other categories such as section 6.3 (Msg 24), 6.6 (Msg 17), 6.8 (Msg 20), 6.9 (Msg 22)
and 6.10 (Msg 23). Please note, settings for all messages in this category should reflect
the settings in the Data Link Management category (section 6.8).
Configure > Data link management (Base Station only)
Settings for data link management are found by selecting the Configure base category
and then select the Data Link Management sub-category.
In this category it is possible to edit the slots that shall be reserved by the base station.
This slot reservation will be transmitted to other users of the VDL in the data link
management message (message 20).
It is possible to reserve 40 blocks of slots for each channel.
Settings for four blocks can be viewed and edited at the same, and the upper left box
in “Configure > Data link management” is used to select for which blocks settings are
to be made.
There are two identical sets of settings; one for channel A and one for channel B
respectively. The settings have the following meaning:
Start Slot
The first FATDMA slot of the reservation block.