R60 Station
R60 User Manual
Document Number
7000 120-019
Page 43 (98)
Figure 5-1: Monitoring position reports page. Clicking on (selecting) an object in the plot area or in the
list makes it highlighted in red, both in the list and in the plot area
The centre of the plot is normally the position of the R60 station. If another plot centre
for some reason is wanted, then move the mouse into the plot area (pointer
appearance changes to a hand) and drag on the background while keeping the mouse
button pressed. The plot picture will follow the mouse movement. Fix the new location
by letting go of the mouse button.
The plot can also be zoomed in or out either by clicking on the “+”/“-” buttons in the
top left corner or by placing the mouse pointer in the plot area and then turning the
mouse wheel. The scale used is indicated in the lower left corner.
The list of users can be sorted by each column, by clicking on the column header.
Clicking on the heading will switch between ascending and descending sorting.
To find a listed vessel or other object in the plot, simply click in the list on the line for
the object in question. The list line is then highlighted in red colour, and in the plot
area the corresponding symbol is also highlighted in red as illustrated in Figure 5-1.
Similarly, if you want more details about a vessel or other plotted object then click on
the object in question in the plot area. The object is then highlighted in red colour, and
the corresponding list line is highlighted in red.