R60 Station
R60 User Manual
Document Number
7000 120-019
Page 71 (98)
Parameter Description
The UTC minute for the start slot. This is only of interest if interval is
larger than one frame (one minute).
Start Slot
The slot used to transmit the repeater report message. To disable the
broadcast set the start slot to -1.
The number of slots between the start slot and the next transmission
on the same channel.
Selects the access scheme used for transmitting the repeater report:
By interval – Automatically selects SOTDMA/ITDMA/RATDMA based
on the interval.
FATDMA – Uses the exact slots defined above.
ITDMA/RATDMA – Randomizes transmit slot with the slot defined
above being the start of the selection interval.
SOTDMA – Same as ITDMA/RATDMA except the for the access
scheme on the VDL. Only valid for interval ≤2250 slots (one minute).
Settings for transmission of repeated messages.
Enable Tx
Enable or disable repetition for channel A and/or B.
Specifies the output power used for repeated messages, 1 or 12.5 W.
Downsampling Settings for down-sampling. This only applies to ships’ position reports.
Selects how many reports should be repeated for each vessel.
No downsampling – No position reports stopped.
Fixed interval – All vessels will be repeated approximately as often,
regardless of how often they transmit.
2nd – Every other position report will be repeated.
3rd – Every third position report will be repeated.
15th – Every 15
position report will be repeated.
This parameter is only used when Downsampling (above) is set to 2nd
– 15th.
The maximal number of slots between repeated messages of a vessel.
If the time since last repeat exceeds this number of slots, a repeat is
done. There are two settings, one for moving and one for stationary
This parameter is only used when Downsampling (above) is set to
Fixed Interval.
How many slots there should be between repeated messages of a
vessel. When the time since last repeat exceeds this number of slots,
a repeat is done. There are two settings, one for moving and one for
stationary vessels.
Table 6-12 – Parameters for the Repeater – General category page
Configure > Repeater > Reservations
For the repeater to be able to use FATDMA the slots must be configured in this
category. This is done using Owner Local (see Table 6-13), otherwise RATDMA is the
only possible method for repeated messages to be transmitted. It is also possible to