For turning smoothly, start to tighten one brake, while simultaneously transferring the weight
of the body in the suspension to the same side of the turn. The wing will smoothly enter the
turn. When it reaches the required turning radius, you can control this radius and the rate of
descent by changing the weight shifting and / or slight pulling of the external brake.
When soaring in weak thermal, you can lightly press the trim tabs to reduce the physical
load on the hands.
It must always be in mind that braking the wing with trim tabs reduces the operating limit
of the brake and increases the possibility of failure if the pilot does not react correctly. Be
always ready to let the trimmer go neutral.
Maximum symmetric control travel at maximum weight in flight is about 90 cm.
Trimmers are in neutral position, brakes are released. In
this mode, the AERO MASTER paraglider has the best glid-
ing angle in the calm air.
To obtain a minimum sink rate in the same position of the trim
tabs, press the brakes slightly.
When flying against a strong wind and / or in a downstream zone, you need to release the
trim tabs completely to improve the planning angle.
For this, it is necessary to press the keys of trim tabs on both risers symmetrically.
Also such an accelerated flight mode can be used in a dynamic ascending flow in order to
break through against the increased wind from the slope of the slope.
It is important to always remember that possible collapses in this mode of flight can oc-
cur more dynamically than in an ordinary flight.
AeroMaster has no accelerator.
Normal flight
Accelerated flight