For a safe landing, select a suitable platform of sufficient size without obstacles on or
near it, and also assess the direction and strength of the wind.
When landing, it is necessary to withstand the direction of flight against the wind.
It is recommended to land with trimmers in a neutral position (all straps of Risers are the
same length from the main carbine).
In advance, take the necessary position in the suspension system and warn the passen-
ger about the landing.
On the final flight before touching it is recommended to keep the brakes released. If there
is some turbulence, for safety reasons, you can keep a slight pull on the brakes for better
control of the wing.
Avoid unnecessary retarding of the wing, as this can lead to excessive acceleration and
landing with a dangerous vertical speed.
At an altitude of about 1 meter, progressively and smoothly tighten the brakes to a suffi-
cient stroke so as to execute a soak (“pillow”).
When landing in a strong wind, it is necessary, after touching, to douse the dome as
quickly as possible - by fast and large tightening of the brakes or straps of the B-Risers.
Be ready to run to the wing.
At the landing, do not allow the paraglider to overtake you and hit the ground with the
leading edge. This leads to a sharp increase in pressure in the dome and may cause dam-
age to it.